Some mentions from the larger world:
Photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur and author Keri Cronin posted this review of a Peace Meal Supper Club™ event in support of their Unbound Project.

YES! Magazine included me in their Spring 2015 issue, “Chefs We Love.” (Online here.)
Mountain Xpress, Asheville, NC: I’m a featured chef in this article about holiday cooking and tradition, December, 2012
Nice blog entry, regarding the Happy, Healthy Holiday Eating Workshop in December, 2011
Great photo set on Flickr, covering ThanksLiving at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, October, 2011

See the March 2011 issue of Vegetarian Times for my soup-making advice in the “Ask a Chef” column.
Here’s a nice entry from November 2010 at the SuperVegan blogsite.
Hudson Valley Garlic Festival 2010
A fine article in the Times Herald-Record, 4 August 2010
An article with video in the Hudson Valley’s Daily Freeman, 28 April 2010
A NY Times blurb about Tree House Cafe, Santa Fe, during my run as chef. (7 February 2010)
The Santa Fe Reporter’s 2009 Restaurant Guide picked Tree House as one of the top joints in the city. (See pg. 42)
Nice profile piece in the North Denver Tribune, regarding my approach to songwriting, fiction, and other creative pursuits. (18 November 2007)
A review of the small cafe I founded in Denver, shortly after opening. A humble beginning is still a beginning! (4 October 2007)
I was a guest on the highly stimulating free-thought Infidel Guy show back in 2004. Reginald Finley and I discussed my book In Lieu of Heaven, in addition to similarities between Jehovah’s behavior and that of a domestic abuser. Be challenged and entertained!
In 2004 I did numerous radio interviews in support of my novel, In Lieu of Heaven. Challenging theism via mass media can be very interesting. Here are 3 examples.