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Photo by Kevin Archer

I have been writing songs for decades, with expansive fallow periods. Each time I return, I find the fields more fertile.

My background includes Sacred Harp gospel, classical chorale, coffee house regalia, and bar band Americana. I share the minimalist ethic of Buddy Holly, Walter Hyatt, and Lou Reed. As for the style of my music, I fall somewhere between hither and yon.

Below you will find a few of my songs about artists, ice cream vendors, disillusionment, denial, freedom, desire, overwhelm, femmes fatale, and the elusiveness of light and shadow. This music was made by real people using their respective 2 hands. Feet were used when necessary.

All songs Copyright © Kevin Archer, 1999-2015. Photos Copyright © Kevin Archer, 2004.

And in the middle of it all…here are three new songs from February 2022. Enjoy!

These songs are Copyright © 2022, Kevin Archer.